If you want to protect your websites, the Startlogic https://secure.startlogic.com/product/extended-validation-ssl.bml?cid=281 true BusinessID with extended validation SSL certificate will be satisfied at the greatest extent level. The promotion price is just $159/yr with the 60% off discounts while the regular price was $479/yr. The features are extended validation, trusted green address bar, dynamic GeoTrust True site seal with company name/time stamp, up to 256-bit SSL encryption, universal compatibility with over 99% of all browsers and most mobile browsers, secure access over “https”, EV upgrader technology, $150,000 protection level, 1-2 year validity options, free self-service reissues, free technical support by web, phone and email, GeoSure protection plan. The bill will be automatically renewed each year at $159. Customers can manually re-install the certificate while the domain name is necessary on the utilization of the SSL certificates.