


In 1999, Brinkster was organized as the leading online hosting provider with the office center in Phoenix, AZ, USA. Brinkster now has grown up into a top company with over 50,000 customers in 175 countries. Brinkster covers the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) cloud services, managed hosting, high availability and load balancing, data storage, disaster recovery and backup, hosted and encrypted email, enterprises and encrypted email, DDOS mitigation, security and management services.

The data center is located in the near disaster free Phoenix, Arizona as well. With the state-of-the-art technologies and practices, Brinkster can promise you with the rock solid IT Infrastructure like N+2 redundant primary power architecture, N+1 redundant chilled water cooling and air handling system, 24*7*365 monitoring, diesel power generator backup, biometric access control security, advanced smoke detection and fire prevention system.

As well, Brinkster also supports the humanitarian organizations around the world in providing the discounted hosting services. If you are inclined to building up the non-profit organization website, Brinkster will be the top choice.

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